To commemorate our great year filled with multiple marketing wins, some of the Flying Cork Media team reflect on a few of their Cork Popping Moments.
Anya, Marketing Coordinator
“A major Cork Popping Moment I have had this year at Flying Cork was successfully getting one of our websites recognized as a news source on Google News and Google Discover. This was one of the goals I set for myself this year, so seeing the success the website has received as a result makes it extra exciting.”
Matt, Creative Director
“One of the biggest CPMs for me was the brand refresh we launched for Flying Cork this past spring. It was amazing to get such quality feedback about the brand from the entire team and implement it into a refresh that better represents who we are as an agency today. In addition, we worked hard to completely redesign our website to reflect the new style and positioning.”
Krystal, Senior Manager Marketing Automation
“This past year I celebrated my 10 year anniversary at Flying Cork. Looking back on the past decade, it’s incredible to see how much I’ve learned and grown professionally. I truly enjoy working with our clients and such a dedicated team of people.”
Baylee, Project Coordinator
“One of my largest cork popping moments was implementing SalesForce Marketing Cloud into our marketing strategy for a partner. This is a project that had many moving parts and took multiple sets of hands to accomplish, but seeing it from start to finish was incredible. Deploying our first email from the platform was such a breath of fresh air.”
Lauren, Content Manager
“One of many Cork Popping Moments this year at Flying Cork was having six of my blogs reach over 100,000 people, and four blogs receive over 10,000 post engagements. It always makes me feel inspired to see how our audience has grown and that we’re writing content that excites people.”
Eric, e-Commerce Director
“The biggest Cork Popping Moments for me were helping our e-Commerce clients grow their year over year gross revenue on Amazon by an average of over 42.5%, and getting 3 of our clients launched on a brand new sales platform to diversify and grow top line revenue even further. Our clients combined to gross over $5 million on Amazon alone this year.”
Adam, Web Developer
“The biggest Cork Popping Moment for me was having the opportunity to work with the content and development teams to build the new Flying Cork website. I really enjoyed working on such a large project, and getting to see it all come together and publicly represent the company I work for was very satisfying.”