Cork Board

Employee Spotlight: Adam, Web Developer

Adam, web developer

What is your job title, and what does it mean?

I am a Web Developer, meaning I work on building, improving and fixing many of the websites Flying Cork develops. I’ve always enjoyed coding websites using HTML and CSS, so I’m very grateful for the position I was given. It’s especially satisfying seeing a website I’ve worked on for a long time go public for everyone to see.

Favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh?

I’m a fan of bringing friends downtown and just looking for a nice place to eat. It’s a good excuse to explore around and try something new. I like to end the day with a trip to The Milkshake Factory. They never disappoint with their shakes, and I like trying a new flavor each time.

What is your most memorable commercial/advertisement/billboard/etc. that is not from Flying Cork? Why?

I grew up with early 2000s commercials as a kid and nothing got stuck in my head more than the old cereal commercials, especially the Reese’s Puffs jingle. It’s strange that something like cereal commercials can be a memorable part of my childhood, whoever made those commercials knew what they were doing.

What is your favorite part about working for Flying Cork?

I love how flexible my job is at Flying Cork. If I need to take some time off or call in sick, everyone is very understanding. It gives me a sense of comfort knowing that the people I work with treat me with that kind of respect. Even when it comes to completing my tasks, Flying Cork trusts me to get them done without restricting how I go about it.

Something that might surprise us about you/hidden talent/random fact

I’m very tall, like, 6 foot 7 inches tall. I always enjoy meeting people who I’ve talked with over the phone or online and surprising them with my height. It always makes for good conversation.

How has Flying Cork helped with your career development?

Flying Cork has helped me get my foot in the door with my IT career. I had just completed college and was looking for an IT job, but many positions turned me down due to my lack of experience. Flying Cork decided to give me a chance to prove myself. Without Flying Cork, I might still be looking for an IT job or settled for less.

Dream vacation?

I’ve always wanted to visit Japan or New Zealand, especially if I could bring some of my friends along. Japan has such an interesting culture with so many interesting spots to check out, and New Zealand is such a remote and beautiful location. I’ve been on plenty of out of state vacations, but I think it’d be fun to try an out of country vacation for a change.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

My parents would sometimes tell me not to be concerned with what other people are doing wrong and instead focus on making sure you do things right. Sometimes it’s easy to point out mistakes from other people and use it as an excuse for your own failures. It’s best to focus on doing your best despite the circumstances.

Favorite meal?

Right now, I really enjoy making Korean style beef over white rice. It’s very simple to make and tastes amazing. I’ve recently been experimenting with cooking so I’m sure I’ll have new favorite meal in the future.

What is a Cork Popping Moment you’ve experienced while working at Flying Cork?

The best Cork Popping Moment I’ve experienced was the launch of our new website. A lot of work went into creating a site that would properly reflect Flying Cork, and I’m very glad I was able to work on it. I was very happy to hear all the praise and feedback from my coworkers—it really felt like my work on the site was appreciated.

Want to work with Adam?
Contact us HERE!